It premiered yesterday "Reincarnation", the new short film directed by Karl Lagerfeld to accompany the CHANEL Paris-Salzburg ...

It premiered yesterday "Reincarnation", the new short film directed by Karl Lagerfeld to accompany the CHANEL Paris-Salzburg 2014/15 Métier d'art collection show on December 2nd, 2014 in Salzburg. The short film features Pharrell Williams - who wrote and performed "CC The World", the score for this new film- Cara Delavingne and Geraldine Chaplin, making her come back as Mademoiselle Chanel after having already portrayed her in last year’s short film “The Return”. Once again, Lagerfeld imagines a new moment from the designer’s life: in 1954 Gabrielle Chanel is holidaying in Salzburg when she sees a jacket worn by a young lift-boy that will later inspire the iconic Chanel jacket. "Reincarnation" is the story of a lift attendant’s jacket being reincarnated as a timeless piece of women’s wear," declares Lagerfeld. But it also is the story of another reincarnation, the one of Empress Elizabeth of Austria and her husband, Franz Joseph I, who, at the stroke of midnight, come back to life for one, last magical dance.

Click inside to watch the short film!



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